Established in Nov 1998 Listed on HKSE in Jun 2004

BAT Guide

Wechat Moments CPC ¥10,000+
Tencent CPC ¥10,000+
Mobile payment ad CPC ¥50,000+

Data of Internet users in Mainland

User No. of people
Overall 802 million
Netizens in urban area 591 million
Netizens in rural area 211 million
Mobile phone internet users 788 million
Online shopping users 569 million
Online takeaway users 364 million
Online payment users 569 million
Internet broadcasting users 425 million

Retrieved from CNNIC, August 2018

Key Targeting


China (Cities/ Province/ Autonomous region), Overseas (Continent)

Gender & Age

Base on target customer profile

Mobile Device

iOS, Android, Wi-Fi, 4G, 3G, mobile brands, mobile device price range, stc.


Different interest categories can be chosen


Primary school, junior high school, senior high school, associate degree, bachelor degree, master degree, doctor degree

Wechat Moments

What is Wechat Moments?

Wechat Moments ad is similar to friend’s post that can be displayed on users’ timeline in the form of native ad.

Wechat users are mainly from the age group between 15-40

Numerous high quality official accounts are opened to public

The penetration rate takes up the core target groups in the first-tier cities

Wechat public platform: High view rate

The number of combined monthly active users of Weixin & Wechat

Moments provides different goals guiding you to specific features designed to attain the results that matter most to your business.

Brand Promotion

Brand promotion or event promotion

Official Account Promotion

Promoting subscription and service accounts

Mobile App Promotion

Promoting the iOS and Andriod Apps

Wechat Coupon Promotion

Promoting the store coupon

Local Promotion

Promoting local stores

Wechat Moments Account: Ad format


Tencent main media platform

Mobile QQ MAU

Mobile QQ MAU : 860M+
Smartphone population Coverage in China : 80%+
Age Group : 85%+ are 14 – 35
Income : 60%+ is RMB2,000 or up
Occupation : 70%+ Student & White Collar

Tencent News App

Top rank news app in China
User : 630M+
Market Penetration : 80%
Age Group : 70%+ are 25-40

Wechat / Weixin

Instant Messaging & Social Platform
Accumulated Registered Accounts : 1.2B+
MAU : 938M+
Age Group : 85%+ 20-40
Geo : 93% Top tier & growing cities

Data Source: Tencent Corporate Website

Tencent Network

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Mobile Payment Ad

Wechat pay/ Alipay

Daily transaction amount: RMB 1M+

Accumulated users of Wechat & Alipay (Two main mobile payment platforms): ≅10?

Integration of E-commerce and social application: Mobile payment usage keeps increasing

Until June 2018, the online shopping users and mobile payment users in Mainland account for around 71.0% of the total Chinese netizens. Online shopping and Internet payment have becoming more widely used. 71.9% of mobile netizens use mobile payment in daily transaction.

Retrieved from CNNIC, August 2018

Mobile payment ad (Order confirmation page & point history page): Target 320 million mobile payment users!

Age group: 18-45

Mobile payment users with high frequency


Users make mobile payment in every second

500k+ nationwide merchant accounts

Making transaction through mobile payment

1% growth everyday

Rapid growth in mobile payment usage

Average 15% market penetration rate

Gradual replacement of wallet

Alipay / Wechat Pay : Ad Format